Technical Support Center

Relative Coordinate System

The ADMA can output position data referred to a relative coordinate system defined by the user. In order to set a local coordinate system, two parameters are required:
• The origin (zero point) of the relative coordinate system defined by latitude and longitude. This origin must be in a area within a few kilometers to achieve the +/-1cm position accuracy.
• The heading (direction) of the relative axes. To rotate the coordinate system to the desired axis, it is sufficient to enter the angle of the X-axis to north.

Schematische Darstellung des relativen Koordinatensystems mit allen relevanten Messgrößen: Position in X und Y, Heading, Yaw und der Bezug des Koordinatensystems zu Norden.
Relatives Koordinatensystem

Note: If this function is disabled, the first GNSS position is used as the coordinate origin of the local metric coordinate system.

The user defined relative coordinates system can be defined via web interface page 6️⃣ PARAMETERS \ System Parameters.
Enable the user defined relative CS, and type in the latitude, longitude and heading values.
The heading angle is the rotation of the X-axes relative to North. For example, leaving this value 0 will set the X-axis to point North, and the Y-axis to West.

By using the button Zero relative CS, the currently measured position and heading of the ADMA will be set automatically. This function is available if a heading has been found and ADMA is initialized.

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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