Vulnerable Road Users (VRU):
Protection of VRUs (Vulnerable Road Users e.g. pedestrians, cyclists, etc.) is one of the major issues and a huge challenge in the research and development of new safety systems.
To reduce the number of accidents involving VRUs, vehicles must achieve fast and reliable environment detection and object classification. The algorithms for classifying and tracking radar-detected road users and objects are becoming increasingly complex. Highly precise and reliable VRU units are of central importance here.
For further development and verification of these algorithms, real scenarios should be combined with known reference objects. The use of a VRU unit enables precise tracking and classification of pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users.
- ADMA-Slim can be used as a VRU Unit to track VRUs such as pedestrians or cyclists easily and with high accuracy – providing best in class reference data

Our solution: ADMA-Slim Mini GNSS/Inertial System in a backpack

Equipped with a rechargeable battery and a WiFi kit, the ADMA-Slim can be easily integrated into your measurement environment. Via a WiFi connection, the measurement data can be transmitted in real-time to a DAQ or to another ADMA system for DELTA calculation. This enables the position tracking of pedestrians or cyclists relative to a moving vehicle.
- Car to VRU tracking
- Real-time position tracking of VRU objects
- Tracking of multi pedestrians and cyclists
- Distance calculation between moving objects
- Track visualization
Our recommendation
We recommend the standard version of ADMA-Slim with 7 LEMO connectors in a waterproof aluminum case and a backpack with hard-shell construction. With Velcro, all components can be easily fixed.