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NTRIP-DGNSS-Box 5 – Configuration

The NTRIP modem configuration can be done with the Auxiliary Configurator when connecting a PC to the NTRIP Box “ETH” interface via ethernet cable. This Software is part of the GeneSys Software Suite that can be found in the Download section of the GeneSys Website.

Connecting to the NTRIP Box 5

In the Home screen, the app is searching for a connected NTRIP-DGNSS-Box 5.

When found, enter the license key and the password of the NTRIP Box. Both can be found at the bottom side of the device.

System Overview

The following table describes different states of the overview page:

GPGGA script modeIt is possible to run two different modes:
• Recurrence
• Fixed Position
Correction data service statusWhen Connected, the NTRIP Box is receiving correction data from the NTRIP Provider.
Modem statusDisplays the connection state to the mobile network provider.
Modem internetDisplays the connection state to the internet. When showing “online”, the NTRIP Box has internet connection.
Modem signal strengthDisplays the signal strength, that is also displayed at the LED Panel of the hardware.

By hitting Configure, the NTRIP Provider, SIM Card and Device Settings can be adapted.

NTRIP Provider Settings

The following table describes the different configuration parameters:

Mount Point‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤThe Mount Point is the data stream location of the NTRIP Provider. It can be found in NTRIP Provider Service table.
IP / URLThe IP Address or URL of the NTRIP Caster. It can also be found in NTRIP Provider Service table.
PortCorrection data format dependent Port of the NTRIP Caster. It can be found in NTRIP Provider Service table.
Username and PasswordCredentials for the NTRIP Provider.
Recurrence time (min.)Time span of resending the last received GPGGA Log from the ADMA to the NTRIP Provider.
Fixed Position ModeActivate sending an emulated GPGGA Log with the configured Location to the NTRIP Provider. This provides correction data broadcast into the network without any GNSS or Ineratial System at the NTRIP Box.
DGNSS correction data forwarding via UDPActivate sending the GNSS correction data to a specific ip address or via UDP broadcast into the network.

Recurrence Mode

When the Fixed Position Mode is not active, the NTRIP Box operates in Recurrence Mode. It remains idle until a valid GPGGA log is received, at which point it forwards it to the pre-configured NTRIP Provider. If the Box ceases to receive valid GPGGA Logs, it will continue resending the last valid log for the duration specified in the Recurrence time configuration.

Fixed Position Mode

The NTRIP Box sends an emulated GPGGA Log, that contains the current time and the position, that is configured manually. This makes it possible to run the NTRIP Box as a “Base Station”, without any GNSS Device connected.

Note: The correction data, that are generated in this mode are only valid for a radius of 10 km relating to the specified position.

SIM Card Settings

The following table describes the different configuration parameters:

PINㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤIf the SIM card is protected via PIN it has to be configured.
Automatic APNIn most of the cases, the NTRIP Box is able to select the APN automatically, but in some cases, manual configuration of APN is needed.
APN AuthenticationIn some cases APN’s need credentials.

Device Settings

At Device Settings, the serial interface baud rate of the NTRIP Box can be configured.

IP-Address‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤㅤㅤThe IP-Address of the system can be changed.

SubnetmaskAdapt the subnetmask to the IP-Scheme of your setup.
BaudrateSets the baud rate of the serial interface.

Default: 19200
Shows the Device Settings page of the Auxiliary Device Configurator in which the IP-address and the baud rate of the device can be configured.

Note: We recommend using 19200 baud, because it provides the minimum bandwidth for the transmission of GNSS correction data of all four satellite systems (GPS, GLO, GAL, BDS).

Note: The fallback IP-Address of the system is the If you don’t remember the individually configured IP-Address, adapt your network adapter and connect to this IP.

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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