We combine GNSS and inertial measurement technology, inclination measurement, industrial image processing and laser measurement technology for high-performance solutions. Mechanics, electronics, optics and software are continuously fine-tuned to each other.
Regular calibration as well as idividual device tests to ensure that you can have complete confidence in your test results.
With our hands-on training days, courses and webinars, you can get to know our ADMA product family better or further deepen application and functionality knowledge.
Here you will find documentation and application help for our products & software. With our whitepapers you can deepen your knowledge.
Here customers can find current releases and have the possibility to activate update notifications.
GeneSys unites over 25 years of practical experience and pioneering spirit in developing and manufacturing sensor-systems with a flat organizational structure and efficient day-to-day communication. The development of sensor-systems and the application of new technologies are our passions.
Our experienced partners are at your side with know-how, sales and service worldwide.
We offer you exciting tasks and the brightest opportunities in a great working environment with a flat hierarchy and space for your own ideas.
GeneSys customers value our intuitive products and the great usability. We have a long-standing and trusting relationship with many customers.
GeneSys Elektronik GmbH
Maria-und-Georg-Dietrich-Str. 6
77652 Offenburg, Germany
+49 (0) 781 969279 0
Fax: +49 (0) 781 969279 11
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