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Technical Support Center

VRU Tracking – Whitepaper

Table of Contents

Shows a preview render of the Whitepaper for VRU Tracking.

The Challenge

OEM and TIER1 intensively develop suitable safety systems to reduce the number of fatal accidents with vulnerable road users, e.g. pedestrians, cyclists etc. A fast and reliable environment detection and object classification is a big challenge.
For the further development and verification of algorithms for the classification and tracking of objects detected by radar, more and more complex scenarios are required. Therefore, real scenarios should be combined with known objects for referencing.
The ADMA-Slim can be used for VRU Tracking like pedestrians or cyclists easily and with high accuracy.

Shows an animated scene of a car, that has multiple VRUs and another car in front of it. The Trackers of the car to identify the objects are visualized.

Easy Integration

Equipped with a rechargeable battery and WiFi-Kit, the ADMA-Slim allows easy integration into your measurement setup as it works like any other ADMA system. Via a WLAN connection, the measurement data can be transmitted to a DAQ or, for DELTA calculation, to another ADMA system in real-time. This allows the VRU tracking of pedestrians or cyclists relative to a moving vehicle.

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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