In this test scenario, measurement data from an ADMA-G Pro+ with correction data was used as a
reference for a 15 km highway trip. In comparison to this ADMA, different GNSS outages were now
considered with the duration of 1 minute, 2 minutes and 5 minutes. For each comparison, the ADMA
online data and the offline ADMA-PP combined data were compared with the reference, once without
external speed signal and once with.

Note: The drift effects in case of GNSS failure depend very much on the length of the outage and on
the strength and amount of dynamic stimulations. This means that this document is only an example
analysis for the circumstances given here. The ADMA and the ADMA-PP may react completely different
to other conditions.
GNSS outages in the online ADMA data cause a drift effect of the position. The better the IMU of the
system, the less drift will occur. At the end of the outage, the signal “jumps” back to the true position.
In contrast to this, the ADMA-PP signal contains no position “jumps”. Instead, an position offset is
building up to a maximum in mid of the GNSS outage.
For further information to the ADMA-PP, please refer to the ADMA-PP Whitepaper.