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ADMA PP Batch Process

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To integrate the ADMA-PP in a tool chain it can be called using Command Line Arguments (CLA).
For this purpose, a configuration file (*.ppc or *.ppp) with the corresponding parameters must be created and supplied when the ADMA-PP *.exe file is started.

*.ppc Files
The *.ppc file is based on an INI structure.
*.ppc files include a compact description of all available configuration parameters.
This file can also be created by using the ADMA-PP GUI. After finishing the project wizard select the menu item File\Export Project Settings as.

Example of a minimal configuration file:

[Ini File]
ProjectFile=ADMA-PP Project.ppp

*.ppp Files
The *.ppp file is based on an XML structure.
*.ppp files include a comprehensive description file of all available configuration parameters and input data properties.

Missing or incorrect entries in the configuration file will cause the automatic calculation to be aborted. The errors will be displayed in the command line terminal.

Available batch options

ADMA-PP.exe -h–helpOutput all available batch options.
ADMA-PP.exe -f–fileCONFIG FILE to load at program start (*.ppp or *.ppc).
ADMA-PP.exe -p–processStarts the data processing and close ADMA-PP without user interaction.
ADMA-PP.exe -c–consoleKeep the terminal visible during the Post Processing.
ADMA-PP.exe -n–noguiStart data processing and close ADMA-PP without
graphical user interface. A valid CONFIG FILE must be given with option – f.

Start of the Post Processing with terminal output and without ADMA-PP GUI.

C:\Program Files\...\ADMA-PP.exe -f "C:\Users\JohnDoe\..\PSettings.ppc" -p -n -c
Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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