Technical Support Center

TCP/IP Settings for connecting to the ADMA Webinterface

The Webinterface is integrated in the ADMA. For access, the following settings of the network connection must be done:

1 Open Network Connections by clicking the Start button . Then click Control Panel. Open Network and Sharing Center click View network connections.

2 Right-click the connection that you want to change, then click Properties . If you’re asked for an administrator password or confirmation, enter the password or provide the required confirmation.

3 Click the Networking tab. Under This connection uses the following items, choose Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), then choose Properties.

The Network Connection Properties dialog box

4 To specify an IP address, click Use the following IP address, and then, in the IP address, Subnet mask, and type in the following IP address settings:
Subnet mask:
The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box
  1. To check your settings, please start the internet browser of your computer. Type in in the address bar of your browser, the ADMA Webinterface should appear.

NOTE: Your Proxy settings must be deactivated!

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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