When using the NTRP-DGNSS-Box 5 as correction data modem for the ADMA, the NTRIP Box Serial interface has to be connected to the Modem interface of the ADMA. As soon as the ADMA has GNSS reception, it sends a GPGGA log with time and position information to the configured NTRIP Provider and receives back correction data relating to its current position.

Insert SIM card(s) into the SIM sockets with the chamfered corner inserted first. The contacts of SIM1 should be face down and for the SIM 2 face up.
Note: Please only remove or insert SIM card(s) when the system is turned off!
Software Setup
When the ADMA is set to use the „DGNSS Preset“ „Network Service – NTRIP Box“ and the ADMA measurement mode is active, the ADMA is activating power out at the Modem interface and the NTRIP Box is booting.

For setting up the NTRIP Box as Modem, the NTRIP Provider information and login credentials have to be configured.
The NTRIP Provider provides information about Mount Point, Caster URL and Port. The Username and Password are relating to a registered account at the NTRIP Provider.
The recurrence time is the time span in which the NTRIP Box is resending the last received GPGGA Log from the ADMA, when the ADMA is currently not updating the log.
The baud rate of the NTRIP Box should match the baud rate, that is configured in the ADMA Webinterface. We recommend to use 19200 baud. It provides the minimum bandwith, that is needed for correction data transmission of all four satellite systems (GPS, GLONASS, BEIDOU, GALILEO).

The ADMA should now receive correction data and be able to resolve the RTK solution, when the necessary licenses are activated.