Relative distance measurement with new Delta function for ADAS

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The GPS-aided gyro system ADMA of GeneSys in Germany is developed and produced specially for measurements of vehicle dynamics and driver assistance parameters in the automotive sector. The Automotive Dynamic Motion Analyzer, ADMA in short, permits a high-precision dynamic measurement of all states of motion such as acceleration, velocity, position, rotational speed, position angle and slip angle of the vehicle.

With ADMA3.0 a bunch of new functions are available now. One of the new functions is that ADMA allows an output rate of 1000 Hz with unlimited data records and a data latency of less than 1 millisecond! Besides CAN-bus interfaces, the device includes Ethernet interfaces for data output, configuration / updating and driving robot. In practice, such high data rates in real time prove particularly valuable in developing driver assistance systems. For example, at 1000 Hz the longitudinal position of a vehicle moving at 100 km/h can spatially be resolved to less than 3 cm.

Another new option is the DELTA function which even enables centimetre-accurate measurement of distances, relative speed or relative angles between several vehicles in real-time just by interfacing two ADMAs via WiFi. Now the set-up for testing all kind of range based sensors (e.g. RADAR or LIDAR) and ADAS systems (e.g. ACC, FCW and AEB) becomes more simple and reliable.

The general settings are now configured quickly and easily via a web browser. The new Webinterface is loaded with new functions – and in consequence replaces the previous ADMA System Software.

Besides vehicle dynamics testing, the ADMA is the first choice for evaluating driver assistance systems, e.g. ACC, FCW, AEB and LDW. The GPS-aided GPS/inertial system ADMA meets all the demands of industry test standards.

New Automotive Dynamic Motion Analyzer with an output rate of 1000 Hz

Centimetre accuracy when measuring the distance or relative angle between several vehicles, e.g. AEB tests

Visit us at the following trade fairs or contact us for more information.

GeneSys Elektronik GmbH

  • SENSOR+TEST 2015, Nuremberg, Hall 11, Stand 11-302
  • AUTOMOTIVE TESTING EXPO EUROPE 2015, Stuttgart, Stand 1554

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GeneSys Elektronik GmbH
Dr. Bertold Huber
Maria-und-Georg-Dietrich-Str. 6
77652 Offenburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 781 969279 34
Fax: +49 (0) 781 969279 11

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