5,000 euros for provision of mobile medical help for the homeless

GeneSys Elektronik GmbH, the Offenburg engineering consultants, is donating 5,000 euros to the “Förderverein Pflasterstube Offenburg e.V.”. The money is for Pflasterstube incl. the Pflastermobil to help the homeless in the Ortenau rural district who urgently require the provision of medical services.

For Dr. Axel Richter, Chairman of the “Förderverein Pflasterstube Offenburg e.V.“ the 14th November date for symbolically handing over the cheque was more akin to Christmas. The reason was the 5,000 euros donation of GeneSys, the Offenburg engineering consultants, to the support association. Dr. Bertold Huber, Managing Director of GeneSys Elektronik GmbH, became aware of the support association with its Pflastermobil on his way to work. “I have been going past St. Ursulaheim every day for the last 18 months”, says Dr. Huber. This is where the Pflasterstube support association with its Pflastermobil is based. “We are strongly tied to the region and for us, the Offenburg University is a nucleus, since many of the engineers who we employ studied there“, continues Dr. Huber. Therefore the idea was for the donation to support a social facility in the region.

Symbolic donation hand-over at GeneSys on Nov 14th, 2019 (f. l.): Dr. Axel Richter, Ute Vogt, Dr. Bertold Huber

The Pflastermobil is a converted motor caravan and the only one in Baden-Württemberg for the rural areas. It enables mobile medical services to be provided for sick, non-insured, homeless people in the Ortenau rural district. Every week voluntary helpers – family doctors, a dentist, nurses, and carers – are out on the road in Offenburg, Kehl, and Lahr providing medical assistance. This assistance costs the support association over 100,000 euros every year and is fully financed from donations. “We are utterly dependent on these donations”, explains Dr. Axel Richter. The generous GeneSys donation goes directly into the medical services including the Pflastermobil. But according to Dr. Richter, it is not only medicine that is provided for those in need. Glasses, in particular, are important so that “someone affected can again read a newspaper allowing the reader to then talks about what has been read“ comments Dr. Richter.

GeneSys was established in 1996 as a result of the spin-off of the Steinbeis Center of the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences. Closeness to the university is still maintained given that GeneSys has always developed and researched joint projects with the university and monitored students on their way into the engineering profession. As the main focus of GeneSys is on the development and setting-up of sensor systems, students gain an insight into fascinating development fields. These sensor systems are used in navigation systems for tunneling machines (both with laser measuring technology and inertial sensor technology), image processing systems on process automation, and also in-vehicle dynamic measurements in the automotive industry – the largest customer group for GeneSys. “We have a strong affinity with the car. Thanks to our measurement technology, the development of driver-assistance systems and autonomous driving can be pressed ahead with” states Dr. Bertold Huber.

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GeneSys Elektronik GmbH
Dr. Bertold Huber
Maria-und-Georg-Dietrich-Str. 6
77652 Offenburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 781 969279 34
Fax: +49 (0) 781 969279 11

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