Integrated NTRIP-Client for ADMA

With the latest ADMA firmware update, we introduce the integrated NTRIP-Client – making it easier and more efficient than ever to utilize real-time correction data.

What is an NTRIP-Client?

An NTRIP-Client (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) enables the transfer of RTCM correction data (Real-Time Correction Messages) over the internet. These corrections significantly enhance positioning accuracy by compensating for GNSS signal errors.

With the new NTRIP-Client integration, ADMA systems can seamlessly access correction data from providers like AXIO-NET, SAPOS and more when an active internet connection is available. The result: improved GNSS data precision for applications in vehicle dynamics, ADAS development, and beyond.

Why is this important?

Using RTCM correction data is crucial for applications requiring high positioning accuracy.

Key Benefits at a Glance:

✅ Seamless connectivity to NTRIP services like AXIO-NET, SAPOS and more

✅ Optimized user interface for quick and intuitive configuration via the ADMA web server

✅ Real-time correction data directly accessible through the ADMA system without additional hardware


The integrated NTRIP-Client is now available for ADMA-G and ADMA-Speed. Starting in 2025, this feature will also be available for all other ADMA variants.

Learn More

For detailed setup instructions and further information, visit our NTRIP-Client Manual.


Approved for publication. For further information, just give us a call.

In case of publishing/printing, please send a sample copy to:

GeneSys Elektronik GmbH
Dr. Bertold Huber
Maria-und-Georg-Dietrich-Str. 6
77652 Offenburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 781 969279 34
Fax: +49 (0) 781 969279 11

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