Technical Support Center

ROS Integration

ROS is an open-source project which is released under the BSD license and provides a modular framework for industrial robotics. The latest ADMA ROS driver can be downloaded directly from GitHub:

Implemented ROS data topics

The ADMA uses a combination of GNSS-Receiver and different rate and acceleration sensors. Due to this, different ROS topics are getting filled with sensor, GNSS and combined measurement data as shown in the following list:

/adma/data_scaledADMAnet v3.3.x
/adma/statusADMAnet Status / Error / Warning v3.3.x
/adma/data_rawRaw UDP Data Stream

adma_connect/adma_data Message

This topic is a new ROS topic introduced by the ADMA ROS Driver. The definition is derived by the ADMAnet data format specification. (See article ADMAnet – List of data packets v3.3.3)

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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