Vehicle Spy Setup to decode the Ethernet Stream from GeneSys Elektronik GmbH

If you are already using the Vehicle Spy 3 data logging system from Intrepid Control Systems or are planning to use it for future projects, we have good news for you:

In addition to the standard CAN-DBC support, Intrepid Control Systems has imported the GeneSys Ethernet XML into their Ethernet Messages Editor. If needed, GeneSys can provide this basic configuration so that the Ethernet data packets can be inserted into your own configuration.
Only the IPs and ports used may have to be adapted to the own hardware configuration.

Here you can download the new software solution:

Instructions for use are available here:

Approved for publication. For further information, just give us a call.

In case of publishing/printing, please send a sample copy to:

GeneSys Elektronik GmbH
Dr. Bertold Huber
Maria-und-Georg-Dietrich-Str. 6
77652 Offenburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 781 969279 34
Fax: +49 (0) 781 969279 11

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