New GeneSys Software Suite released!

The new Software Suite allows our clients to find and manage all GeneSys software solutions in one place. This gives the freedom and flexibility to choose the tools that best fit our customers workflow and productivity.
The complete package includes the new ADMA DAta Analyzer software solution. It has been designed to make the process of analysing your test results as quick and straightforward as possible. A clear layout provides the ability to analyse data sets simultaneously under multiple test conditions.

👉 Stay tuned for even more possibilities offered with the GeneSys Software Suite and visit our Firmware & Software Download area:

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GeneSys Elektronik GmbH
Dr. Bertold Huber
Maria-und-Georg-Dietrich-Str. 6
77652 Offenburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 781 969279 34
Fax: +49 (0) 781 969279 11

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