When using the NTRP-DGNSS-Box 5 as clocal base station the NTRIP Box ETH interface has to be connected to the networt that connects the different used Inertial systems.
Via Auxiliary Device Configurator, a fixed position is configured as Latitude, Longitude and Height. The NTRIP Box 5 emulates a GPGGA log, that contains time and position information and sends these logs to the NTRIP Provider. The Provider sends correction data relating to the position data in return and the NTRIP Box forwards these data to the specified ip-address or as broadcast into the network.
Insert SIM card(s) into the SIM sockets with the chamfered corner inserted first. The contacts of SIM1 should be face down and for the SIM 2 face up.
Note: Please only remove or insert SIM card(s) when the system is turned off!
Software Setup
The ADMA „DGNSS Preset“ has to be configured as „ADMA – Ethernet“.
For setting up the NTRIP Box as Local Base Station, the NTRIP Provider information and login credentials have to be configured.
The NTRIP Provider provides information about Mount Point, Caster URL and Port. The Username and Password are relating to a registered account at the NTRIP Provider.
Note: When sending the correction data to one or multiple ADMA systems, the port 3030 must be configured.
The ADMA should now receive correction data and be able to resolve the RTK solution, when the necessary licenses are activated.