In the Logger setup you will find settings relating to the Personalization, the Recording, Debugging and User Preferences.


German, English and Japanese are the provided languages.

The software colors are configured to the provided GeneSys presets as default. It is possible to switch to a user defined mode for changing the overall colors to your own preferences. Dark and Light mode can be switched in this menu or with the sun icon at the upper right corner of the Logger.
Channel Units

The channel units are shown besides the data channel names above the widgets. They can be enabled and disabled in general and the prefered unit for velocity and acceleration can be selected.

Widget Assignment

Different widgets at the same workspace or view can be assigned to different ADMA systems. To maintain an overview, it is possible to switch on the widget assignments (STRG + H). This shows the reference to the ADMA system on the right-hand side of the widgets. n

The Assignment information type can be changed between Alias, Prefix and Serial Number.
Automatic recording restart

When ADMA measurement mode is active and Data Logger Recording is enabled, the Data Logger automatically detects ADMA measurement restarts. In this mode, the current recording stops, and a new one begins whenever the ADMA measurement restarts.
Overwrite existing measurement data

This feature allows to overwrite data files, when the names are equal. For getting equal names the Saving options can be used.

Enables / Disables a global Logger Logfile. This file contains important Data Logger information for the developers. In case of bugs or misbehavior, this log can be sent to our coders by using the improvement reports tool.

Load last project on program start
The ADMA Data Logger has a project structure, what means all the setups with their workspaces and views are saved in project files. With this option, the last used project will be loaded automatically.
Start in record mode
If Load last project on program start is enabled, it is possible to enable Start in record mode, what means the Logger will automatically try to connect to the configured ADMA systems and starts the recording mode afterwards.
Load settings on program start

Enables / Disables loading the ADMA settings after program start automatically.