Tobias Wagner

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

ADMA Data Logger – Graphical Interface

1️⃣ Context menu New ProjectOpens a new empty projectOpen ProjectㅤOpen a saved projectOpen Recent ProjectShows a list of the last...

ADMA Data Logger – Introduction

Introduction The ADMA Data Logger is a powerful windows software that is able to visualize and and record all available...

ADMA Data Logger – Channels Setup

In the Channels Setup, you can select the data channels to enable for selection and recording. Reducing the number...

Offset Calculator – Walkthrough

License System The software requires a USB license dongle for full functionality. Without the dongle, you can only use the...

Total Station – Offset Measurements

Set up reference points If the total station must be moved because not all the targets (reflective stickers) are in...

Total Station Manual

1 Introduction2 Offset Measurements3 Offset Calculator

Total Station – Introduction

With a Leica Total Station, it is possible to measure the offset between antennas and POI’s (Point of Interest)...

ADMA Data Logger Manual

1 Introcution2 Graphical Interface3 Channels Setup'4 ADMA Setup

Offset Calculator Manual

1 Introduction2 Offset Measurements3 Offset Calculator

NTRIP Client

NTRIP Client introduction The NTRIP client enables a direct connection to a NTRIP service provider mount point through the internal...

Add-On – gPTP

Technical Background of gPTP and PTP Introduction The Add-On gPTP enables you to synchronize different systems in your network with the...

ADMA Settings for ABD Platform – LP80

This manual shows the ADMA configuration that is needed for the integration in ABD LP80. Both PMAC Types, Power...