Quickstart Guide
When starting the ADMA Data Logger for the first time, the Quickstart Guide is shown, which is defined as a workspace with different documentation views.

You can close the Quickstart guide at the top right corner.

Connect your ADMA
Before starting with the ADMA Data Logger make sure, your ADMA is connected to your PC via Ethernet and sends the ADMAnet data stream to the ip address of your computer.

Now you have to connect your ADMA in the Data Logger by hitting F1 or selecting the ADMA Setup at Settings.

Type in the ip address of your ADMA and press Load Settings.
If your setup is correct, Settings loaded is shown and you will see that the received bytes count is increasing of the activated data stream.

Now you can check the different views of the ADMA Workspace, one of our GeneSys Presets with the most important data of your ADMA system.

Enter Designmode and create a new Workspace.

In the upcoming popup you have the possibility to create one of our GeneSys presets for the different ADMA data streams, but we will stick with the Empty Workspace here.

Add a title from the Layout Widgetgroup and give your Workspace a name.
Then add a Line below the Title. You might change the colors of the selected object on the left hand side.

Add a Bargraf, a Digital Display and a Status widget to the workspace and align them properly.

Select one of the widgets and assign the mentioned data channels on the right hand side. You can use the search field for finding the data channels quickly.
Bargraf: Status Count
Digital Display: System TimeSinceInit
Status: Status Standsill

For deeper understanding of the widget settings click on the Status Count bar graph and change the following parameters:
Upper Limit = active
Upper Limit Color = green
Upper Limit Value >= 120
Lower Limit = active
Lower Limit Color = red
Lower Limit Value <= 50

In this widget settings section on the left hand side you can find a lot of different settings for each widget type. Feel free to explore them.
You are now able to build your own Workspaces with your own Views. They can be saved in Projects and be exported as Workspace files (See project structure).
By executing Start Record and entering optional folder and file names, the logger begins to record measurement data.

In the saving options at the settings context menu, you can use Show in explorer to open the data folder in your windows explorer.

You have now mastered the basics of the ADMA Data Logger. Enjoy the flexibility and build your own projects!