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Technical Support Center

ADMA Data Logger CLI Installation possibilities

The ADMA Data Logger CLI can be installed on windows and linux. The following distributions are available:

DistributionOperating SystemDescription
GeneSys Software Suite (Software)WindowsThe GeneSys Software Suite provides all GeneSys Software that is needed for the usage of the ADMA in combination with various other systems.
InstallerWindowsStandard Installer for Windows systems.
.exeWindowsPortable execution file.
Linux ARMLinuxLinux ARM is intended for devices with ARM-based processors, which are commonly found in smartphones, tablets, and small embedded devices.
Linux ARM64LinuxLinux ARM64 is similar to Linux ARM, but it’s designed specifically for ARMv8 64-bit architecture. It is commonly used in more powerful mobile devices and single-board computers like Raspberry Pi.
Linux x64LinuxLinux x64 is designed for devices with Intel or AMD processors that are based on the x86-64 architecture. This architecture is commonly found in desktop and laptop computers that are running on ubuntu for example.

The different distribution files can be found in the download section of the GeneSys Elektronik website.

Note: When the wrong file format is selected and used, the following error message will appear, when starting the software.

Shows the error message, that is shown in the Linux terminal, when the user is trying to execute an application file that is designed for another distribution / system architecture.

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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