Technical Support Center


The ADMA ROS Driver provides a ful ROS1 and ROS2 integration for the inertial navigation system ADMA. ROS is an open-source project which is released under the BSD license that provides a modular framework for industrial robotics. The latest ADMA ROS driver can be downloaded directly from GitHub:

Implemented ROS data topics

The ADMA uses a combination of GNSS-Receiver and an IMU that consists of three accelerometers and three gyroscopes. Due to this, different ROS topics are getting filled with sensor, GNSS and combined measurement data as shown in the following list:

/adma/data_scaledADMAnet v3.3.x
/adma/statusADMAnet Status / Error / Warning v3.3.x
/adma/data_rawRaw UDP Data Stream

/adma/data_scaled Message

This topic is a new ROS topic introduced by the ADMA ROS Driver. The definition is derived by the ADMAnet data format specification. (See article ADMAnet – List of data packets v3.3.5)

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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