Für leistungsfähige Lösungen kombinieren wir GNSS und inertiale Messtechnik, Neigungsmessung, industrielle Bildverarbeitung und Lasertechnik. Mechanik, Elektronik, Optik und Software werden immer wieder neu aufeinander abgestimmt.
Additional Tools can be found in the adma_tools folder and are separated based on their implementation language (adma_tools_cpp/ adma_tools_py).
This tool subscribes to /genesys/adma/data_scaled and /genesys/adma/status and...
Available ROS Formats
MCAP (Modern Capture Format)
Newer format designed to be a high-performance alternative to rosbag2.
More efficient in terms of...
For configuring the ADMA ROS Driver the according parameters in the adma_ros2_driver/config/driver_config.yaml file have to be modified. If the workspace was...
The Challenge
Used Hardware
Conversion of the voltage values
Software implementation
The Challenge
Modern vehicles, which are increasingly operating semi-)autonomously, must...