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Technical Support Center

Moving Base Software Information


The Moving Base Software is operated using a graphical user interface (GUI) that includes settings for input files, output directory and the used POI of the ADMA data.
The Moving Base is post processing DELTA data between two vehicles.

Licensing system

The Moving Base Calculating Software only working in combination with the ADMA-PP. It has a USB dongle-based licensing system.
The Moving Base can only be used if a USB dongle with a valid license is connected to the computer and the ADMA-PP Software is installed.

System requirements

The Moving Base software was developed for the Windows operating system with .NET framework 2.0 and Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit version). A USB port is required for the software license dongle. The time taken to process data depends on data volumes and on computer performance. The calculation is mostly sequential; therefore, the number of process cores is less relevant for faster calculation. Way more important is the architecture of modern processors, a high clock frequency and the performance of the used hard disk.


Moving Base comes in the form of an installation program. Running the Moving Base AppInstaller_x.x file starts the setup wizard and guides through the installation process. The installation process also installs the device driver for the USB license dongle and checks whether Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0 is installed. NET2.0 is included in many default Windows installations as standard. However, if it is not installed, it can be downloaded free of charge from www.microsoft.com.

On first installation, it may be necessary to restart the PC so that the license dongle is recognized.

Applikationsingenieur | bei GeneSys seit 2014

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